IS USA Motor Company's Drug Test Policy FAIR??

 USA motor company drug test program has always been a topic of controversies because according to people and United States Government as well as the White House have voiced their concern over the policy. According to them, it is not just a policy, it is an invasion of privacy and an effort to intimidate. The fact that the US President as well as his Cabinet have condoned this policy shows that the American people have little respect for the law and the rights of others. Many people are of the view that this is nothing more than a way for the employers to get at the workers they do not like.

USA Motor Company, nevertheless, claims that the drug testing only checks for the legal prescription drugs and not for illegal drugs. It is also alleged that drug testing does not unearth any drug use by employees. This, according to them, is because drug screening is not possible unless data from other sources is combined with the drug tests.

The fact is that drug testing is based on scientific principles. It tests the subject for a set of drugs, after which a panel of three doctors makes a medical diagnosis based on this information. Drug residue present in the subject's blood or urine can be detected using specialized methods.

USA Motor Company claims that their drug testing policy is 'fair'and but critics argue that it is not. They point out that the company is not bound to reveal all the details of the process; thereby putting off the subject until the process is disclosed. The subject cannot himself to challenge the procedure. He can approach any lawyer who might know about the drug testing. Further, the subject himself has no right to appeal the test.

Critics of the USA Motor Company drug testing policy also claim that there is no certified drug testing agencies for instance we can take this agency who have the certification and do the test on scientific basis. According to them, a random selection process is more reliable. However, the randomization is not very scientific either. It relies on the presence of factors like race, genetics and sex. If there is no difference in the characteristics of men and women, then the results are useless.

Critics of the USA Motor Company drug testing also point out that there are many other companies that offer similar programs. Many companies offer money-back guarantee too. This gives the subjects the opportunity to get back the money they spent on the drug tests.


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